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Funding Application Process

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Terms and Contions

What we do

Get involved

Selection process 

Application stages 

  • Opportunity opens and call announced on the AREF website, newsletter and social media accounts. 
  • Details about the call, eligibility, deadline and how to apply will appear on our website. “Funding calls” page 
  • All instructions in the call details should be followed, and all applications submitted online through the link provided. We do not accept email applications for any of our programmes. 
  • Submit a full application, in most cases through the AREF Survey Monkey platform. Incomplete applications (for example missing a support letter, or any required document) will not be considered  

Application peer review stage 

  • When all applications have been received, applications are then reviewed by our College of Experts. Different programmes have different peer review processes. Check the details of the specific programme you applied to here. 
  • Only eligible applications are reviewed, the first shifting is done by AREF staff to ensure that all eligibility criteria have been met and required documents submitted. 
  • Applicants are then scored by panel members, using assessment criteria for that specific programme. 

Award stage 

  • Some of our programme require additional steps like interviews and due diligence. If you passed the first stage, you will be contacted by a member of our team what to do next 
  • We try to provide feedback and let applicants know about their application outcomes, however we do not have the resources to do this all the time. You can contact our team for individual feedback on your application, however we cannot provide this always