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Join our College of Experts

Researcher at work

We are recruiting active scientists to join our College of Experts. Deadline for this campaign is 31 July 2023. 

Who can apply? 

We are looking for mid/senior-level researchers with approximately 5 -10 years postdoctoral research experience relevant to Africa’s human health challenges.

We seek to attract excellent scientists from all disciplines relevant to achieving better human health: from bench or desk, to bedside, to communities and populations.

We are especially keen to recruit African scientists working in Africa or overseas, who have a demonstrable track record of research, including in project leadership, researcher supervision, mentorship and international collaboration.

Commitment to bringing on a new generation of potential research leaders in Africa is essential.


  • The primary role of members of the College of Experts is to advise on the quality of applications for our Research Development Fellowships and to provide constructive feedback for the applicants.
  • On our Peer Review Process page, there is more information on how we assess these applications and our core principles.
  • From time to time we will also ask members to help select applicants to attend our training courses and offer interested members the chance to participate as a mentor and facilitator in one of our programmes.
  • AREF is committed to a College of Experts that is well-balanced in terms of gender, diversity of research disciplines and nationality. We especially welcome applications from francophone and lusophone regions, however, members need to be proficient in English.


Typically, a College of Expert reviewer might be asked to contribute a couple of days to review 4-5 fellowship applications – which may include participating in a formal on-line panel meeting and reviewing 1-2 Seed Fund applications. We may also ask you to score short applications for our training programmes. 

If you would like to apply please do the following:

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis by an expert panel to ensure new members meet the membership criteria. We are happy to receive applications submissions at any time during the year. However, deadline for this campaign is July 31 2023.

Published: 16 June 2023