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Equipping African researchers for sustainable healthcare delivery

Researcher at work

Date: 23rd September 2024

Time: 9am -12.30pm EST

Location: CURE at 345 Park Avenue South, New York, 10010

Join AREF at the Plenary Session of the 79th United Nations General Assembly Science Summit on the 23rd of September 2024, where AREF’s Founder and Co-President, Professor Sir Tumani Corrah will give a keynote speech on the importance of ‘Equipping African researchers for sustainable healthcare delivery” to support the attainment of key SDG’s such as the following: SDG3 ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’, SDG4 ‘Quality Education’, SDG8 ‘Decent work and economic growth’, SDG9 ‘Foster Innovation’, SDG10 ‘Reduce Inequality’, SDG13‘Climate Action and SDG17 ‘Partnerships for the Goals’.

Africa is host to 25% of the world’s disease burden, with the double burden of infectious and non-communicable diseases, not to mention emerging infectious and drug-resistant diseases. We are living in an age where global pandemics and climate change are adding to the threat to lives and livelihoods across the world.

Meanwhile, research institutions in the Global North dominate research efforts, with African scientists contributing less than 3% to global research publications. If Africa is to respond to the continent’s health challenges, it needs to build and sustain a community of health researchers to define and lead Africa’s research agenda and priorities.

To get there, the health research sector needs significant investment.

Visit the following link for further details on how to register: Science Summit at UNGA79 (

Published: 10 September 2024