The Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) works to strengthen the health research capacity of scientists in Africa who are engaged in tackling the sub-region’s significant health challenges. AREF is calling for applications from scientists who are active, emerging...
Closed Funding Calls
Funding Calls
Our Fellows
Information for researchers
CLOSED Essential Grant Writing Skills Programme Oct/Nov 2024
AREF is calling for applications from scientists who are active, emerging biomedical/health researchers in African countries…
The AREF-MRC Towards Leadership Programme
The Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) is delighted to announce the launch of the Towards Leadership Programme in partnership with the UKRI Medical Research Council. Aim The AREF Towards Leadership programme aims to empower talented,...
Programme de compétences essentielles en matière de rédaction de demandes de subvention
Juin/Juillet 2024 Appel à candidatures Le Fonds d'excellence pour la recherche en Afrique (AREF) s'emploie à renforcer les capacités de recherche en santé des scientifiques d'Afrique subsaharienne qui s'emploient à relever les grands défis sanitaires de la...
Research Development Fellowship 2024/25
The Africa Research Excellence Fund, AREF, is pleased to launch the call for the AREF Research Development Fellowship Programme for 2023/24.